Are you a CEO?
Are You a CEO? You may say, “No. Perry I don’t own a company”
Well let me tell you, you are wrong. We are all CEO’s.
Recently I was having a conversation with one of my mentors.
I asked him, “Why have to you taken an interest in me?”
He told me that he has been watching me now for several months. (to my shock and surprise) 👀
He told that he once watched me work-out at the gym and notice that I stayed extremely focused, followed a structure and system, and was extremely efficient.
You have to be in control of your personal health and wealth before you can be of any impact to others. You have to become…
>CEO of your Personal Life?
Then he told me about an interaction he had with me and my children. He shared with me that he can measure the caliber of a man by his interaction his children.
One day when he approached me and my daughters, I told the girls to introduce themselves.
They know to shake hands with a firm grip, look the person in the eye and tell them their names.
My mentor noticed this and also how my daughters and I glanced at each other afterwards sharing a proud daddy-daughter moment.
Are you being the…
>CEO of your Family?
And lastly, my mentor has been following my work as an Entrepreneur, Financial Advisor and Coach.
He shared that he sees my passion and commitment to help others and my willingness and desire to continue learning.
Whether you own your own company or work somewhere you should always continue to learn and grow.
Are you taking ownership of your productivity?
Are you becoming the…
CEO of your Business / Work?
So, guess what. Whether you own a business or not, YOU ARE A CEO!
Part of Being a CEO is taking 100% ownership of the direction your life goes and sometimes that also includes the well being of others.
So if you are a CEO, why not strive to the be the best you can be?
Learn how to become the best.
Cheers to your success
Perry Jeffries
The Entrepreneur’s CFO
Coach | Financial Advisor | Optimizer