Happy Sunday!!!!
I am prayerful that you are enjoying this day with your loved ones and family.
My wife and I just completed some light cardio and yoga at the gym.
(If you ever want to be amused, come join us for some yoga. I am one of the least flexible people on the planet earth; and my wife fights back the laughter every time I attempt to pretzel myself into a position that I am obviously not built for. LOL)
So, let me ask you….“Do YOU want to be SUCCESSFUL or RELEVANT.”
I am writing a short post to express my gratitude and thanks to the KBK Buckeye Social Entrepreneurship Program (The Ohio State University) participants for requesting me to be their Keynote speaker at their graduation this upcoming week.
I’ve had the opportunity to facilitate and present to these future entrepreneurs for 2 consecutive years.
I strive to inspire them, but in turn they also inspire me. Grateful.
When I am not growing my wealth management business, I love to share my story, my struggles, my expertise and experiences with those organizations and individuals who are striving for success!!
I was once asked, “Do I want to be SUCCESSFUL or RELEVANT.”
I asked, “What’s the difference?”
Success is measured by what you accomplish personally, relevance is measured by how many people you help become successful.
I choose Relevance.
“What do you choose?”
Perry Jeffries CRPC, CPFA
“The Entrepreneur’s C.F.O.”
Coach | Financial Advisor | Optimizer