
Automated Success

I have two major themes for me personally and my clients this year.

>> Automation and ROI.

Today let’s talk about Automation

Here are 7 tips on how to Automate your Finances and your Wealth Creation.

1. Automate all of your Credit Card Payments so that you are NEVER LATE. Set it up that you are always making your minimum payment.

I once heard the statement that “Cash Is King” but “Credit Is The Queen”

You must protect your credit at all costs!

2. Automate a Savings Strategy. I recommend that my clients set up an online savings account that they do not have a card linked to it; to fight the temptation of the infamous SWIPE.

By having an online account, you can make it a little less convenient to fall into temptation and swipe your debit card.

3. Automate your investment strategies.

You can Dollar Cost Average your way to building a substantial nest-egg.

Millionaires can be created by simply making a decision to put a fixed dollar amount or percentage away into a retirement / investment account.

4. Set your retirement plan up to automatically invest, especially if you have a company match.

That is free money, don’t leave it on the table.

5. Set up a non-retirement investment account where you automatically purchase an investment every month.

This could be stocks, mutual funds, cash value policies, cryptocurrency, etc.

Set those investment accounts as “bills” in your monthly budget, just like your rent, mortgage, car insurance, cell phone, etc.

6. Find apps that let you invest automatically.

7. Find a financial professional who can help you build a financial plan including Now, Soon and Later goals.

Have the plan built…..then AUTOMATE.

Have the plan built….then AUTOMATE

Your future self will thank me later.

Perry Jeffries
The Entrepreneur’s CFO
Coach | Financial Advisor | Optimizer

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